Saturday, July 6, 2019

Trading strategy nifty and bank nifty for monday july 8th 2019.

Nifty yesterday volatile on budget day.yesterday nfity resistant 12000. Nifty  high with  11999 low made 11808 with closing 11814.

Nifty monday trading breakout 11824 to 11988. Trading below 11824 continue bear,. its mean Nifty trading below 11824 bear or trading on 11988 bullies.

Bank nifty stronger then Nifty.Bank nifty trading breakout 31485 to 31600.

Review 5 july 19 Nifty trading strategy

Review 5 july 19
Nifty a strategy 11961 sell 11888 book ..+73 point
nifty b strategy sell 11977 book profit 11930 ..47 point
nifty c strategy sell 11952 book 11860..+92 point

Review 4 july 19 nifty trading strategy

Review 4 july 19
Nifty a strategy 11975 buy high.11999
nifty b strategy buy 11963 book profit 11999 ..36 point
nifty c strategy not active

Review 2 july 19

Review 2 july 19
Nifty a strategy 11882 sell low..11840
nifty b strategy sell 11894 book profit 11858 ..36 point
nifty c strategy sell 11902 ..low 11840

Nifty 1-july review

Nifty 1-july review..
nifty a strategy buy call 11916...close 11906..-10 point
nifty b strategy buy call 11906...close 11906..0 point
nifty c strategy buy call 11898...close 11906..8 point
total p/l ...-2 point

Review 28th june trading strategy

Friday nifty A strategy call sell nifty at 11891 .
 nifty B strategy sell at.11879..
nifty c strategy at 11902..
Nifty A strategy 47 point gain..
.Nifty b strategy 43 point gain .....
nifty c strategy 67 point gain,,
Average 3 nifty gain.. 52 point..

Nifty 3 trading strategy

Hello !! friends we started Nifty 3 trading strategy for trading learning, expiry to expiry .some above 300 point gain every month.Lets paper trading for trader..